Jun 20 – 21, 2022
Hotel Mercure Budapest Castle Hill
Europe/Budapest timezone

Parallel Implementation of Multivariate Empirical Mode Decomposition on GPU

Jun 20, 2022, 11:50 AM
Hotel Mercure Budapest Castle Hill

Hotel Mercure Budapest Castle Hill

1013 Budapest, Krisztina Körút 41-43
Lecture Session II


Zeyu Wang (The University of Pannonia)


Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD) is an effective tool for the analysis of non-linear and non-stationary signals, which has been widely used in various application fields for noise reduction, feature extraction and classification. Due to its adaptive and data-driven nature, it has been introduced to electroencephalography (EEG) analysis to extract more accurate information in time-frequency, phase coherence and brain connectivity analysis. EMD method decomposes signal into several narrow band oscillatory mode components, known as Intrinsic Mode Functions (IMFs). Despite its advantage and importance, using EMD in signal processing is problematic as the algorithm is computationally very expensive. For high-density, high-resolution EEG measurements, the runtime can easily reach several hours.

Over the past decade, several variants of the EMD method have been proposed, including Multivariate Empirical Mode Decomposition (MEMD). MEMD focuses on the empirical mode decomposition process of multi-channel signals, it treats the input signal as a multivariate signal in a high-dimensional space. By projecting the signal onto each direction vector and calculating the multivariate envelopes and IMFs, the synchronous decomposition of the multichannel signal can be realized. However, multi-channel signals will bring a heavier workload which makes MEMD computationally even more expensive.

In this talk, we will describe the implementation strategy and details of a parallel CUDA MEMD algorithm. We will start with an overview of the numerical steps of MEMD, then the details of the parallelization steps, including direction vector generation, signal projection, extrema detection and selection, and the cubic spline interpolation, etc. Compared with MEMD implementation in the MATLAB-based EMDLAB toolbox, our GPU parallel version achieves about 150x performance improvement reducing execution time from hours to minutes.

Primary author

Zeyu Wang (The University of Pannonia)


Zoltan Juhasz (University of Pannonia)

Presentation materials