Nov 25 – 26, 2019
Hotel Mercure Budapest
Europe/Budapest timezone

The Hungarian National AI Center of Excellence

Nov 26, 2019, 11:00 AM
Mátyás Hall (Groundfloor) (Hotel Mercure Budapest)

Mátyás Hall (Groundfloor)

Hotel Mercure Budapest

Krisztina körút 41-43. 1013 Budapest Hungary


Andras Benczur (SZTAKI)


The initiative to found the Hungarian National AI Center of Excellence led by the Institute for Computer Science and Control (SZTAKI) was announced in October 15 this year. The Center is planned to start operation in early 2020 in the areas of basic and applied research, education, technology development as well as acting as a key Hungarian player in international cooperation.

In my presentation, I will highlight our background in some planned key topics, including
- Mathematical foundations of deep neural network learning;
- Applications in health care, manufacturing, telecommunications, IoT, machine vision and human language technologies;
- Algorithmic and legal issues of privacy.

Primary author

Presentation materials