11–13 Oct 2017
Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Europe/Budapest timezone

Inverse Iteration Algorithm for Neutron Depth Profiling

11 Oct 2017, 18:00
Krúdy-terem (Hungarian Academy of Sciences)


Hungarian Academy of Sciences

1051 Budapest, Széchenyi István tér 9.
Poster presentation Poster session


Dr Caijin Xiao (China Institute of Atomic Energy)Ms Xiangchun Jin (China Institute of Atomic Energy)Dr Yonggang Yao (China Institute of Atomic Energy)


This work presents a Monte Carlo code to get response spectrum of ions for the Neutron Depth Profiling (NDP) technique that simulates the behavior of ions transmitted through sample matrix and generates the energy spectrum for a specified detector. Based on the method of Monte Carlo simulation and probabilistic inversion for neutron depth profiling, the depth concentration distribution of element B in Si matrix material is calculated. According to NDP experimental equipment at CARR, energy spectra of standard sample SRM2137 are simulated using MCNP and Geant4 software, and the concentration-depth diagram of elements in SRM2137 is achieved adopting inverse iteration method through MATLAB software. It shows that the inverse iteration calculation in NDP is feasible.

Primary author

Mr Cong Shi (Chengdu University of Technology)


Prof. Bangfa Ni (China Institute of Atomic Energy) Dr Caijin Xiao (China Institute of Atomic Energy) Ms Xiangchun Jin (China Institute of Atomic Energy) Dr Yonggang Yao (China Institute of Atomic Energy)

Presentation materials