11–13 Oct 2017
Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Europe/Budapest timezone


11 - 13 October 2017, Budapest


Wednesday, 11 October

12:00 Registration

13:30 Opening ceremony

13:45 KEYNOTE 1. Using neutron imaging data for deeper understanding of cultural heritage objects – experiences from 15 years of collaborations - Eberhard Lehmann (PSI)

Neutron Imaging 1.

14:30 A pulsed neutron transmission method for metal cultural heritage research - Yoshiaki Kiyanagi (Nagoya University)

14:50 Neutron imaging study of ‘pattern-welded’ swords from the Viking Age - Anna Fedrigo (STFC, ISIS Neutron Source)

15:10 Study of ancient metallic artifacts by using neutron imaging techniques, Ramanspectroscopy and SEM-EDS - Myriam Krieg (Site et Musée Romains Avenches SMRA)

15:30 The neutron imaging study of cultural heritage items from Tver treasure - Kuanysh Nazarov (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)

15:50 --- Coffee break ---

Multi-technique approach and complementary methods 1.

16:10 INVITED 1. Stone artefacts and Neutrons - Case studies from Hungary - Katalin T. Biró (Hungarian National Museum)

16:40 Non destructive determination of the manufacturing methods of ancient Indian blades and modern replicas through advanced applications of neutron tomography and neutron diffraction - Francesco Grazzi (Consiglio Nazionale Ricerche)

17:00 Pre-historic funerary votive assemblages – stone vases provenancing using nondestructive neutron techniques - M. Isabel Prudêncio (Centro de Ciências e Tecnologias Nucleares, Campus Tecnológico e Nuclear, Instituto Superior Técnico)

17:20 What is inside in the bronze weapons and tools? Archaeometallurgical Characterization of Late Bronze Age Metal Artefacts by Neutron Methods - Gábor János Tarbay (Hungarian National Museum, Archaeological Department, Prehistoric Collection)

17:40 A multi-technique investigation of the incuse coinage of Magna Graecia - Filomena Salvemini (ACNS-ANSTO, Sydney)

18:00 --- Welcome cocktail ---

18:00 Poster session

Thursday, 12 October

09:00 KEYNOTE 2. Science and Technology for Archaeology and Cultural Heritage - Thilo Rehren (The Cyprus Institute)

Neutron Imaging 2.

09:45 INVITED 2. Neutron imaging and PGAI methods applied to water absorption measurement on historic construction materials: first results and potentiality - Francesca Sciarretta (Department of Design and Planning in Complex Environments, Università Iuav di Venezia)

10:15 Neutron tomography data fusion for visualization of South- and Southeast Asian bronzes - Sara Creange (Rijksmuseum)

10:35 Recent uses of neutron imaging for the study of cultural heritage objects in Argentina - Julio Marin (Centro Atómico Bariloche, CNEA, Av. Ezequiel Bustillo 9500, Bariloche, Argentina)

10:55 --- Coffee break ---


11:15 INVITED 3. PGAI-NT, an integrated approach of element analysis and imaging, and its applications to cultural heritage samples - László Szentmiklósi (Centre for Energy Research, Hungarian Academy of Sciences)

11:45 Minimizing Sample Sizes while Achieving Accurate Elemental Concentrations in Neutron Activation Analysis of Precious Pottery - Sheldon Landsberger (University of Texas)

12:05 Preliminary petrological and geochemical results of the possible source locations of HPmetaophiolitic polished stone artefacts - Benjámin Váczi (ELTE Department of Petrology and Geochemistry)

12:25 Archaeometry at the PGAA facility of the MLZ - Christian Stieghorst (Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum (MLZ), Technical University of Munich)

12:45 Quantitative chlorine analysis of archaeological iron objects by PGA Analysis - Britta Schmutzler (State Academy of Art and Design Stutttgart)

13:05 --- Lunch ---

Neutron Imaging 3.

14:30 INVITED 4. Neutron phase-contrast imaging for revealing armourers’ marks - Nikolay Kardjilov (Helmholtz-Zentrum-Berlin)

15:00 Neutron imaging as tool for investigations on historical musical instruments - Eberhard Lehmann (Paul Scherrer Institut)

15:20 Searching for “the needle in the haystack”: reconstructing the brain and vascular system of the mammalian forerunners - Burkhard Schillinger (Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum (FRM II))

15:40 Crystallographic characterization on different types of structure (Tsukurikomi) of Japanese swords using pulsed neutron imaging and diffraction methods - Kenichi Oikawa (Japan Atomic Energy Agency)

16:00 --- Coffee break ---

Facilities, techniques and data processing

16:20 The neutron imaging beamline in Delft and future plans - Lambert van Eijck (TU Delft Appl. Sci. dep. RadiationSciTech)

16:40 PGA-Imaging and Neutron Tomography at MLZ's PGAA-facility (FRM-II). A position-sensitive spectroscopy-visualization method with neutrons. - Eschly Jan Kluge (Institute of Nuclear Physics, University of Cologne) Christian Stieghorst (Maier-Leibnitz Center, Technical University Munich)

17:00 Neutron imaging options with fission and thermal neutrons at the NECTAR facility - Malgorzata Makowska (Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum (MLZ), FRM II, Lichtenbergstr. 1 85748 Garching, Germany; Bavarian Research Institute of Experimental Geochemistry and Geophysics (BGI), University of Bayreuth, Germany)

17:20 Neutrons and complementary methods for Cultural Heritage research at the Budapest Neutron Centre - László ROSTA (Wigner Research Centre for Physics)

17:40 Workshop

20:00 --- Conference dinner ---

Friday, 13 October

09:00 KEYNOTE 3. Neutron Imaging Methods for Cultural Heritage at the ANTARES facility - Burkhard Schillinger (Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum (FRM II))

Neutron scattering

09:45 INVITED 5. The Metallurgical Texture of gold artefacts from the Bronze Age Rampart of Bernstorf (Bavaria) Studied by Neutron Diffraction - Friedrich Wagner (Technical University of Munich)

10:15 IMAT: A new neutron imaging and diffraction beamline at ISIS - Winfried Kockelmann (STFC-Rutherford Appleton Laboratory)

10:35 Neutron diffraction for cultural heritage studies:the Italian Neutron Experimental Station INES@ISIS - Antonella Scherillo (STFC - ISIS, UK)

10:55 --- Coffee break ---

Multi-technique approach and complementary techniques 2.

11:15 Neutron and laboratory x-ray characterization of excavated Napoleonic artefacts from the Berezina Battlefield in Belarus - Jérôme Beaucour (Institut Laue Langevin)

11:35 Investigation of a Simulated Chinese Jade Dagger by Neutron Radiography and Prompt Gamma Activation Analysis - Heather Chen-Mayer (NIST)

11:55 Investigating beads from Chalcolithic funerary cremation contexts of Perdigões, Portugal - M. Isabel Dias (Centro de Ciências e Tecnologias Nucleares, Campus Tecnológico e Nuclear, Instituto Superior Técnico)

12:15 Multi-technique archaeometallurgical investigations of metal objects from the Marche Region, Italy - Massimo Rogante (Rogante Engineering Office)

12:35 KEYNOTE 4. Chemical imaging of paintings: X-rays and ions as complementary probes to neutrons - Thomas Calligaro (Centre de recherche et de restauration des musées de France C2RMF)

13:20 Closing ceremony

13:30 --- Lunch break ---

15:00 Visit to the Budapest Neutron Centre (optional)
15:00 Visit to the Hungarian National Museum (optional)