TaeJoo Kim
(Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute)
Cultural heritages are from the past and must be passed on to future generations. Information of cultural heritages, especially the internal structure and composition, is important for its conservation. Such Information of cultural heritages is also important source for the study of ancient manufacturing technologies and its function. Interestingly, some heritages contain other historic relics inside. Many researchers have attempted to analyze these hidden relics. However, most of them remain unexplored because an investigation is rarely possible without a destruction of the samples or containers, which are also precious heritage items. Among the many non-destructive tests, the X-ray has come to be widely used for studies on the majority of archaeological objects. Generally, X-ray cannot give detailed information inside of a thick sample because of the attenuation characteristics. Neutrons, as opposed to X-rays, are the best type of probe for examining the interior of a thick sample. However, neutrons are used far less frequently in this field because of accessibility issues. In this study, we investigated the hidden relics using neutron and X-ray imaging technique with different types of source. In addition, preliminary results obtained from measurements on cultural heritage samples are discussed.
Primary author
TaeJoo Kim
(Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute)
JinMan Kim
(Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute)
Jongyul Kim Kim
(Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute)
changhee Lee
(Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute)